Thriving on the mobile economy

The mobile app explosion!

The mobile app economy has exploded over the past decade! Is it too late for youto profit? For the past 10 years mobile app usage has exploded! But if you haven’t jumped on the mobile band wagon yet, could it be too late?

True, a lot of apps have been built and downloaded, but the good news is that the mobile app market just keeps growing and growing. That means you still have the opportunity to profit from the mobile app explosion!

First, consider how mobile app downloads increased from 2015 to 2016 1. From 2015 to 2016, mobile app downloads grew by approximately 13 billion downloads.

With app download growth on the order of tens of billions, there’s still plenty opportunity to profit from the mobile app revolution. More downloads from the app store amounts to a tremendous opportunity for your business to get found by new customers when you publish your app to the app store.

In a previous post 2 I described some of the ways to acquire customers, and make sales through a mobile app. In this post I want you to see the enormity of the opportunity available to you in the app store.

Not only do you have massive growth in app downloads, but massive growth in revenue as well. In fact, 42% of all mobile sales generated by the leading 500 merchants came from mobile apps 3.

The upshot? It’s just not enough to have a mobile firendly web site. Even with a website that looks and works great on mobile, you’re missing out on 42% of the potential sales market. You certainly should have a mobile friendly website to keep your share of the other 58%, so if you’re not there yet, you should get moving as fast as you can!

Finally, “money talks”, and the app economy is no exception. In 2014 mobile app revenue was very high at 35 billion. In 2016, that grew by 13 billion dollars and is expected to grow another 15 billion in 2017 4.

With this kind of momentum, Vireo is betting that mobile is the future for business 5. If you’re ready to build a mobile app, Vireo can help! Contact us here.


1 Blog Post - Business 2 Community

2 Vireo Blog Post

3 Blog Post - Business 2 Community

4 Blog Post - Business 2 Community

5 Vireo’s Website

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